Emily Villano

singer. voice coach. music director. teaching artist.

Actor. Musician. Teaching artist.




LESSON RATES: All private lessons are $45 per 30 minutes and $65 per 55 minutes. Payment for lessons are paid at the beginning of each session and are due at the first lesson of the seasonal session. Lesson payments received after the first lesson will be charged a LATE FEE of $10. Students who cancel the 1st lesson of the session are required to pay their lesson payment within 10 days to avoid the late fee. Other payment plans available upon request and approval.


$45 per 30 minute lesson, a la carte pricing

$65 per 55 minute lesson, a la carte pricing

Winter/Spring Session Package Options:

$260 for 4 fifty-five minute lessons, every other week per available dates

$520 for 8 fifty-five minute lessons, weekly per available dates

$180 for 4 thirty-minute lessons, every other week per available dates

$360 for 8 thirty-minute lessons, weekly per available dates

Available Fall Lesson Dates: 1/25, 2/01, 2/15, 2/22, 3/01, 4/05, 4/12, 5/03

Lesson payments are nonrefundable and nontransferable.  


SCHEDULING: All private lessons must be scheduled during studio hours, Saturday 9am-1pm.

CANCELLATIONS: The instructor requires 24-hour advance notice if a student is unable to attend their scheduled lesson. Emergency cancellations can be left on the instructor’s voicemail. All other cancellations can be sent to the instructor’s email: emily.villano@gmail.com. If the instructor must cancel, they will contact the student to arrange a make-up lesson at a future date.


MAKE-UP LESSONS: The instructor will provide a make-up lesson ONLY if the cancellation requirements are met. Make-up lessons will be scheduled according to the instructor’s availability. Canceled make-up lessons will not be rescheduled.


HOLIDAYS: There are no lessons on major holidays.


WEATHER CANCELLATIONS: In the event of severe weather, call the instructor to see if they are still having lessons. If their studio remains open, regular policy applies. If the studio closes due to the weather, students will be contacted and a make-up lesson will be scheduled for a later date.


OTHER FEES: Students are required to bring a 1-inch 3-ring binder and a pencil to each lesson. Students have the option of purchasing these supplies directly from the studio for $5 to be billed at their first lesson. This is a one-time fee.